
Holiday Wish...

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LinkNZeldaForever's avatar

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I hope each and every person from the very young to the very old, those of different colors, creeds, nationalities and even religions get to sit down and have a decent meal.  That they be under a dry roof with clean warm clothes and in the safety and love of their family and friends.  May strangers feel welcomed and even enemies, with their weapons left at the door to rust in the rain, be able to sit down at the table and hold conversations about what matters most and how they are not so different than you and I.  That everyone's plates be piled high with delicious nutritious food, glasses filled with clean drinking water and with enough room for a yummy dessert or two.  May there be plenty for not only one or two servings, but three, four and even five, with enough left over for everyone to take food home to last another meal or two and to share with those who may have been working or ill and not able to make the trip.  Most importantly, may every day be a holiday and no one ever has to go hungry, be cold or live in fear ever again.  That is my Holiday Wish.....
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Kerriaa1's avatar
I so wish your wish became true. If only ... 
Stunning in so many senses. Love it ^.^